An attentive, adaptable, perceptive facilitator

Starting and running the platform, Young People Insight and being Croydon Poet Laureate has given me over 10 years of experience in community and youth engagement. Along the way, I have developed skills in project management, hosting and curating events, leading workshops, and facilitating discussions.

My expertise enables me to effectively consult on:

  • Youth and community engagement

  • Starting and managing a community platform

  • Running creative projects within the community

  • Curating poetry events

  • Taking a considered approach to work with artists/creatives

  • Developing a Poet Laureate role for your area

I strive to create inclusive environments where individuals can collaborate effectively, while working towards a more equitable society where all are heard and respected. This makes me a consultant who is committed to getting the best outcome possible for all stakeholders.

Organisations can consult with me directly or make use of my facilitation skills to consult with groups, which will enhance projects, assess the needs of particular groups, and lead to informed decision-making. Whatever your organsation needs, I a provide a collaborative, insightful and flexible approach.

A Black woman in a black dress and blue jacket standing among a wooden stools upturned on tables
A Black woman in a black dress and blue jacket standing among a wooden stools upturned on tables


Consult as You Need

Book in consultation meetings, workshops or presentations, as and when your organisation needs support.

Keep Me on Retainer
I'll Consult for You

Ongoing support for your organisation with the option to book in time with me up to four times a month.

Tailored group sessions that collect information for your organisation to enhance reports and new projects.

© Photo: Chris O'Donovan for Croydon Council

Past Work

I ran consultation workshops in schools and a Pupil Referral unit, focused on young people's engagement with culture in Croydon. The information contributed to a report and the approach to working with young people during Croydon's year as London Borough of Culture.

Sessions consisted of discussions guided by tailored questions and writing poems in response to prompts.

Croydon Voices
Worked with Croydon Music & Arts
Family (dys)Function
Worked with Dance Umbrella & BirdGang

I ran consultation workshops with youth dance groups and elders groups to gather personal stories and information to support BirdGang's new show, as well as assessing the needs of different age groups who would be part of the show.

Sessions consisted of discussions guided by tailored questions and creative writing in response to prompts.

The title of Shaniqua’s one-woman show, Love Warrior, perfectly encapsulates how hard she fights for what she believes in and having had the pleasure of working with Shaniqua since 2015 (co-producing Living in Poetry Festival, commissioning poems, workshops and performances) I can confidently and sincerely say her work is an incredible example of how passion, creativity and professionalism can positively influence and uplift a community. A true leader by example.

YPI was the hub for anyone under the age of 30. Where the government failed to accommodate for the young people’s voices and opinions, YPI has did more than just pick up the slack. I've seen regular guests at the events grow from strength to strength, they have come out of their shell so much and that’s all down to YPI, giving us that stage.

Hakeem Hall - Young People Insight Participant


Darren Randon - Creative Community Builder

Shaniqua has shown me how creative writing and poetry can be used to empower children and young people and to make their voices heard. Her workshops across the full range of schools in Croydon, primary and secondary, mainstream and special, produced poems where children and young people told us about their lives. It also told me, as Head of Croydon Music and Arts, that I should be promoting this creative and cultural extension to literacy as an essential part of education.

Graeme Smith

Shaniqua is a creative force for good in our community, championing young people in the borough when no one else would. She has carved out spaces for their voices to be heard, seen and valued, setting an example of lifting others as she climbs. Quietly fierce and intentional in every action, Shaniqua leads with purpose and has gifted us with her poetic voice.

Youth Provisions Officer